by Sanju Khatri | May 18, 2021 | Blog
We know more about the edge of the universes than we know what lies beneath our feet. June Verne 1864 in his classic fiction quotes, earth’s layers is not known for certain because the journey to the depth of the earth is very difficult- it is even more difficult than...
by Sanju Khatri | Jun 13, 2019 | Blog
I have often been told I am unduly sensitive. I take things-even jokes- too seriously. But I strictly believe what makes us laugh actually signifies our personality. Few days back I went for movie called जत्रै-जत्रा (Jatrai Jatra). In the movie, they used word माल...
by Sanju Khatri | May 18, 2018 | Blog
बा को पसिना,खेत-खेतमा चुहिदै गर्दा,टुसा पलाएका,एक थान सपनाहरू!धुलाम्मे कमिजको खल्तीमाकेहि रूपियाँ र केहि आशा कोचेरमौलाउन सहर छिरेकासपनाका तातीहरूरित्तिदो गोजा सँगैरित्तिए सपना, रहरहरू!अंधेरिएको रात:जब जोड्न सकिन,सहरिया झिलिमिलि।त्यहि दिन हो पहिलो पटकदुर्घटनामा परी...
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